Shopping Bag


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Delivery calculated during checkout.

Which Delivery Date should I choose?

  • We post our parcels the working day before the 'ideal delivery date' you select below.
  • Deliveries can take 1-2 days, for special occasions you may wish to allow for extra time.
  • Available dates show depending on each item's availability and lead time.
  • Choosing a Monday delivery date? Sometimes the delivery may be made earlier on Saturday or Sunday.
Are you placing a shop collection order?
If your preferred collection date cannot be selected in the calendar, select any date in the delivery calendar in order to continue checkout. Then send us an email to request for the order to be updated to your chosen collection date. NB Date change requests cannot be actioned for Occasion Cakes.

Select an 'ideal' delivery date
VAT £0.00
Discount £0.00

In the next screens, you can enter your delivery & billing addresses.
Take care if using your browser's Auto-Fill as this can overwrite the details you enter, do double check your delivery address & postcode carefully before confirming your order.